What Are The 12 Steps of AA
Posted: July 3, 2018 by admin in Alcohol Addiction Recovery Place
Over two million people are proud to call themselves members of Alcoholics Anonymous. If you’re currently struggling with an addiction to alcohol, perhaps you’ve thought about how the 12 step process might be able to help you. But before you make any decisions about the kind of recovery that’s best for you, you have one […]
Isolation and Addiction: Exploring the Connectivity
Posted: August 29, 2015 by admin in Alcohol Addiction Recovery Place
One of the common emotions of people in recovery is the feeling of isolation. Those who have successfully completed rehab addiction programs in a treatment facility understand the importance of support groups, meetings and group communities in battling against isolation in addiction recovery. There are two common reasons for recovering addicts that leads them to […]
Top Contributing Factors that Leads to Substance Abuse
Posted: August 15, 2015 by admin in Alcohol Addiction Recovery Place
According to various professionals and researchers in addiction rehab center in Daly City CA that specialize in substance abuse treatment and recovery, problems regarding substance abuse can gathered from a combination of environment and genetic influences. Substance addiction can sometimes occur due to stressful environmental factors alone because it forces you to use drugs or […]
Posted: August 1, 2015 by admin in Alcohol Addiction Recovery Place
After a night of heavy drinking, have you experienced the symptoms of headache and excessive thirst? If so, you’ve experienced the so called “HANGOVER“. Everyone’s been there: if you consume too many alcoholic beverages in a night, you might wake up with a hammering headache and sickness. People have been dealing with hangovers since alcoholic […]
How to Help Someone Addicted to Spice
Posted: March 10, 2015 by admin in Alcohol Addiction Recovery Place
If you know someone suffering from spice addiction, there are some practical suggestions for things you can do to help. You can recognize that there is a problem and speak with a professional therapist. You can also research about spice addiction and ask for help from a psychiatrist who specialized in treating hallucinogenic drug addiction. […]