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Posted: August 1, 2015 by in Alcohol Addiction Recovery Place

After a night of heavy drinking, have you experienced the symptoms of headache and excessive thirst?  If so, you’ve experienced the so called “HANGOVER“.  Everyone’s been there: if you consume too many alcoholic beverages in a night, you might wake up with a hammering headache and sickness. People have been dealing with hangovers since alcoholic beverages were first invented, back in the time of Ancient Egypt.

A hangover is usually in full effect the morning after a night of heavy drinking. The symptoms and severity depend on what you drank and how much you drank. These are some indications that you have a hangover:

  • Thirst
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting and stomach pain
  • Red, bloodshot eyes
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Mood swings, such as depression, nervousness, or irritability


Alcohol causes your body to produce more urine, which can lead to dehydration – that’s why you are thirsty and dizzy. Alcohol increases the risk of having stomach pain, indigestion and nausea. If you are a heavy drinker you may suffer from a condition called gastritis. It is a condition where the lining of your stomach is inflamed, and in some cases it can cause bleeding. Alcohol consumption may lead to immune deficiencies, as well as memory problems, inability to focus, and a decrease or complete loss of appetite.

There are some complications involving hangovers. You may like experience problems with your memory, dexterity, and visual-spatial skills. It can also increase your risk of a number of problems at work such as poor concentration, trouble completing your task, falling asleep on the job, and criticism from your boss.

Fortunately, there are several treatments for hangover. Here are few things you can do to help yourself feel better the morning after:

  • Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Take a pain reliever. Hangover symptoms may be relieved by taking antacids for nausea and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (ibuprofen) for headache and muscle pain.
  • Have a snack. Soup can help replace salt and potassium. Eat foods that contain fructose, such as fruits and veggies. Eat flavorless foods like crackers to improve your blood sugar and relax your stomach.
  • Get enough sleep. Go back to bed and get some rest.


Hangovers eventually just go away, but you should consult your doctor if you’ve observed that frequent hangovers affect your quality of life. There are several addiction rehab renters in Daly City CA available in our country.  Though various over-the-counter drugs claim to inhibit hangovers, the only way to prevent it is to avoid alcohol in the first place. Also know your limitations. If you can’t handle drinking more, just stop. But if you’re struggling with alcohol dependence you should consider a visit to the nearest Addiction Rehab Centers in Daly City CA.

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